Saturday, September 13, 2008

♥ busy here at the house ♥

hi there blogger's are you doing guys? well as of now we all busy here at the
house..specially mom and dad..keep doing around the house coz my aunt here came from australlia..there miss each other so much coz my aunt stayed australlia for almost 20 years or more..but now she decide to visit here and vacation for 5 weeks and then she will go back there after 5 weeks..she's nice and good woman..she's frank woman..well she keep saying and saying..
but she's sweet to us ..and verry kind..i just dont like when she cry coz im sad..coz she keep thinking her past about what did she encounter here at the phills ..when she's in the province..and more..

for now im here at my room and typing here at my blog,sorry sometimes if im not everyday post something write..coz im been busy..and if im not have a free time im so tired thats why i just take a nap for a while ..and then keep doing something here at the house..sometimes were going outside to visit some of our relatives..then go to market..mall..then bingo..ehehe,,
its lunch time here now..and mom and i finish cook for lunch..and i guess im need to go ketchen to prefer the they eat for lunch ..okay blogger's i have to go..let just talk and type here again soon..take care all blogger's..have a good day..bye for now..see yah soon!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


God's sex position
What does the Word of God's grace say on sex? How does it answer your question about premarital sex and sin?
Firstly, and most importantly, the word of His grace reveals to us the incredible bonding that God made the act of sex to bring about. Paul reminds the Ephesian church of God's written word related to marriage. He quotes Genesis 2:24,
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Ephesians 5:31 - NKJV
The act of sexual intercourse has such a strong bonding effect that God describes engaging in it as bringing about such a union of a man and woman as for them to become, as it were, one flesh or one body!
(Note: There is no problem to this within a stable marriage situation, in fact, it's just as it should be. Consider, though, the consequences to a boy-girl relationship where not marriage has been entered into. A break up will mean that this strong bonding brought about by sexual intercourse will be rent apart. In this case the rending is likely to be emotionally more painful than usual.)
Sexual intercourse
Paul was very direct in writing to the Corinthians. In his letter to them he speaks plainly about the act of sexual intercourse with a prostitute but he does so to illustrate the effect engaging in sex has on you. He writes,
Don't you know that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, 'The two are united into one'.
1 Corinthians 6:16 - New Living Translation
On the basis of this, Paul then draws the following conclusion,
Run away from sexual sin! No other sin so clealy affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18 - New Living Translation
What does this all add up to? God has given the beautiful and wonderful gift of sex to be engaged in within the marriage union to make that marriage union unique within the experience of us all.
Sexual intercourse within marriage is for this reason good and of great blessing both to the couple, to the family and to the church. However, outside of marriage it creates a conflict of soul and body. This conflict may not at first be evident but later it can result it real soul damage occurring between the two people involved. (See 1 Peter 2:11.)
The Christian church refers to sex outside of marriage as sin. Why is this then? Because, in the way I have explained above, it is not God's design or plan and therefore not His will.
Sex outside of marriage
A straightforward scripture related to sex outside of marriage is -
Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each womanhaveher own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2 - NKJV
You then get a pretty good idea of the view presented in the New Testament about sex outside of marriage by putting that verse alongside this scripture portion -
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 - NKJV
The Message - a good, popular modern translation of the Bible - puts that same verse this way:
God wants you to live a pure life. Keep yourselves from sexual promiscuity. Learn to appreciate and give dignity to your body, not abusing it, as is so common among those who know nothing of God.

I have received some responses to this page asking me to define the term premarital sex. Please therefore find a definition of premarital sex below.
Definition of premarital sex
Strictly speaking it refers to sexual intercourse (penetration) taking place outside of a marriage relationship established before God. However, people talking about it may give it a wider meaning. They may use it to refer any kind of sexual contact beyond boy-girl kissing although strictly speaking this is not the case. The reason they do this is because once you start down the road of sexual contact (petting, fondling) it is often very difficult to pull on the brakes and come to a complete halt before the act of sexual intercourse.


"Premarital sex is an issue young people have to face. Here I answer a teen's question on the Bible's position on premarital sex. There is clear guidance in God's word on sex."

Sex advice
Sex is an important part of life. It's no wonder then sex attracts so much interest and gives rise to so many questions. The following question came in to me by email,
"I would like to know where I can find the verse in the Bible that says premarital sex is a sin."
I had to confess I was not going to be able to answer this question in one verse. In my reply I wrote back,
"A single verse wouldn't provide you with the full answer you need to your question about premarital sex but something like a walk with the Holy Spirit in God's word will."
The following is the rest of my reply.
The word on sex
Let me correct a little misunderstanding about the Bible first. The Bible in the New Testament does not provide Christians with a list of laws that whenever you break them it means you sin.

The New Testament provides us with the Word of God's grace. This is in contrast to the Old Testament's books of Moses that provide us with the Word of His law. John announces in his Gospel,
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
John 1:17 - NKJV
The Word of God's grace - like grace itself - trains you. The Word of His law sets a confined area for you to reside in. It says, "Thus far and no further. Don't cross this line or you'll get it!" The Word of His grace says, "Go this way, it's better by far leading to a blessing! Watch out for that way, it only holds trouble for you!"
As Christians, we are no longer under law but under grace. Rom.6:14. We are under grace and the Holy Spirit by Paul commends us to the Word of God's grace. Grace has been given us in Christ Jesus to bring about in us right living. Grace trains us in life for life!
Paul wrote to Titus,
For the grace of God has broken into history for the salvation of all men. It is training us to renounce the life in which God is banished from the scene, and in which the world's desires hold sway, and in this age to live a well-ordered, upright and godly life, while all the time we are waiting for our blessed hope to be realized.
Titus 2:11-13 - Barclay's Translation.

i love this song..

If The Feeling Is Gone

If the feeling is gone
please don't pretend that you still love me
I can see it in your eyes
and it hurts to admit it
I can't tell that the feeling is gone

All i ask is just a little honestly
Though i know that you're not coming back to me
You know i'll do anything to make you stay
But i just have to let you know
If the feeling is gone

There is sadness in your smile
Though it try to conceive it
I can't tell if the feeling is gone

All i ask is just a little honestly
Though i know that you're not coming back to me
You know i'll do anything to make you stay
But i just have to let you know
If the feeling is gone

All i ask is just a little honestly
Though i know that you're not coming back to me
You know i'll do anything to make you stay
But i just have to let you know
I just have to let you know
If the feeling is gone....

my favorite song..

piolo pascual

Winter snow is falling down
Children laughing all around
Lights are turning on
Like a fairy tale come true.

Sitting by the fire we made
You're the answer when i prayed
I would find someone
And baby i found you.

All i want is to hold you forever
All i need is you more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave your love away
And i'm thankful every day
For the gift.

Watching as you softly sleep
What i'd give if i could keep
Just this moment
If only time stood still.

But the colors fade away
And the years will make us grey
But baby in my eyes
You'll still be beautiful.

All i want is to hold you forever
All i need is you more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave your love away
And i'm thankful every day
For the gift.


All i want is to hold you forever
All i need is you more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave your love away
I can't find the words to say
That i'm thankful every day
For the gift.

Mega vitamin therapy ..

Megavitamins may be useful treatment for many genetic diseases, or just good insurance to tune up body's metabolism
04 April 2002

By Robert Sanders, Media Relations

Berkeley – Linus Pauling's claim that megadoses of vitamin C can prevent colds remains unproven, yet high doses of some vitamins could play a big role in the treatment of disease and perhaps slow the effects of aging, according to a University of California, Berkeley, biochemist.

Biochemist Bruce Ames on how megavitamins may tune up our metabolism

In a review article in the April issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, UC Berkeley's Bruce N. Ames lists more than 50 genetic diseases successfully treated with high doses of vitamins, most of them rare inborn metabolic diseases due to defective enzymes.

Ames found a common thread in the effectiveness of these megavitamin therapies that suggests there may be many more diseases treatable with high-dose vitamins, in particular the eight B vitamins like niacin, thiamine and pyridoxine. And because aging involves similar biochemical deficiencies, megavitamins may help perk up an increasingly older population.

"I suspect that the big impact is going to be in aging," Ames said, though younger people, too, might benefit from supplementary B vitamins to "tune up" their metabolism. Ames is a professor of molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley and a researcher at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).

Megadose vitamin therapy is the use of vitamins in amounts considerably greater than the recommended daily allowance, or RDA. Ames noted that many B vitamins are sold over the counter in high dosages and are generally considered safe at such levels, although side effects have been reported after taking very high levels of some of them, such as pyridoxine and niacin.

In his paper, co-authored with recent UC Berkeley graduate Ilan Elson-Schwab and former CHORI technician Eli A. Silver, Ames argues that the key to the effectiveness of high-dose vitamin therapy lies in the role vitamins play in the body. Vitamins are converted to coenzymes, which team up with enzymes to perform some essential metabolic function.

As Elson-Schwab found in a computer sweep of the literature, about 50 diseases result from a genetic mutation that reduces the ability of an enzyme to bind to its coenzyme, thereby reducing the rate at which the enzyme catalyzes a molecular reaction. Saturating the body with high doses of the appropriate vitamin increases coenzyme levels to overcome the binding defect and boost the reaction rate towards normal.

Flushed with alcohol

Asians who turn beet red after drinking alcohol can chalk it up to a genetic variation, or polymorphism, that prevents them from quickly metabolizing alcohol. This probably is responsible for the low incidence of alcoholism in Asian countries, but it also contributes to higher rates of oral, throat and stomach cancers. Vitamin B-3, or niacin, might help alleviate the problem, Ames said. More.

Beans & malaria

Though packed with protein and fiber, beans have always been problematic. In the 6th century BC, the Greek geometer Pythagoras even founded a cult that prohibited the eating of fava beans, the main bean in the Mediterranean at the time.

Ames thinks Pythagoras based his proscription on a common medical problem triggered by eating fava beans, and suggests that some forms of the problem are caused by defective binding between an enzyme and its niacin-based coenzyme. More.

"These 50 diseases are just the tip of the iceberg," Ames said. "Individual doctors have noticed this, but nobody put it all together. Now, doctors are going to try high-dose vitamin therapy the minute they know a coenzyme is involved in a disease or there is a problem with the substrate. It makes sense, since many of the vitamins are generally recognized as safe in large doses. I think this kind of thing will turn up all over once people start looking."

In the paper, Ames and Elson-Schwab estimate that up to one-third of all mutations in a gene may affect binding to a vitamin-derived coenzyme, which means that high-dose vitamin therapy might reverse the effects of these mutations.

The theory has far broader implications than just the treatment of genetic disease. The human genome is rife with genetic variation that probably affects enzyme-coenzyme interactions, and thus vitamin requirements. High-dose vitamins might tweak enzyme functioning enough to improve the health of many segments of society, Ames said. Eliminating vitamin and mineral deficiencies will restore what he calls "metabolic harmony."

"Zinc and iron deficiency, vitamin C, B-12 and B-6 deficiencies are very common," he said. "Yet, a multivitamin pill costs only a penny to make - you can buy a year's supply for ten dollars. Everybody in the world should take one as insurance and try to eat a good diet."

Flooding the body with an excess of some enzyme cofactors may perk up the aging body, too, since aging is accompanied by oxidative damage to many proteins and enzymes. Last month, Ames and his colleagues reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that aging rats responded to treatment with an antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid, and another substance, acetyl-L-carnitine, that binds to an important enzyme in the energy-producing organs of each cell, the mitochondria. Treated mice were more energetic and had better memory.

The extra acetyl-L-carnitine, he said, compensates for the defective binding of the enzyme, carnitine acetyltransferase. Together, these two play a key role in burning fuel in mitochondria.

Ames first suspected that enzyme/coenzyme binding might be at the root of many diseases while teaching an undergraduate laboratory course in biochemistry 30 years ago. As students isolated mutant microbes and characterized the defective genes, they found that many coded for enzymes with a problem binding to a cofactor. In Elson-Schwab, Ames found an energetic undergraduate able to search the literature for diseases that fit this scenario and to locate biochemical data indicating a cause.

Of the 50 diseases he tracked down, 11 respond to pyridoxine, or vitamin B-6. These include enzyme diseases that lead to blindness, mental retardation, kidney failure and developmental problems. In all of these, scientists have pinned the disease to a problem in how an enzyme binds to a cofactor derived from vitamin B-6.

The authors point out that, of 3,870 known enzymes, 22 percent use cofactors and 112 of those utilize B-6. There may be diseases associated with every one of these enzymes, each treatable, to some degree, by megadoses of B-6 or another vitamin or cofactor. Also, due to genetic variation, some people have enzymes with less coenzyme binding affinity than normal, and thus are able to benefit from high doses of particular vitamins.

The authors found 22 other diseases caused by defective binding to a cofactor derived from a B vitamin, including thiamine (B-1), riboflavin (B-2), niacin (B-3), cobalamin (B-12) and biotin (B-7).

Why do people take megavitamins?

"What's interesting is, health food stores sell B-100 pills with 50 times the normal requirement for vitamin B-6, which is about a milligram. It never made much sense to the nutrition community, and yet the public is buying these pills. Why?

"Maybe somebody just feels better when they take these high B-vitamins. All the neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, use vitamin B-6. So maybe when you take high levels it raises serotonin levels in the brain. There is some evidence for that."

Ames said individual doctors have noticed the connection between coenzyme binding problems and response to high-dose vitamin therapy, but no one had put all the puzzle pieces together. Pauling even suggested, with little evidence, that much mental illness may be due to deficiencies of some micronutrients, and that brain dysfunction may involve mutations that affect enzyme-cofactor binding.

Provided physicians use safe dosages, "there is potentially much benefit and possibly little harm in trying high-dose nutrient therapy because of the nominal cost, ease of application and low level of risk," the authors concluded in their paper.

The research was funded by grants from the Ellison Foundation, the National Foundation for Cancer Research, the Wheeler Fund of the Dean of Biology at UC Berkeley and the National Institute of Environmental Heath Sciences Center, funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Megavitamin therapy — Beans & malaria
04 April 2002
Some 400 million people worldwide may be susceptible to oxidative stress from foods with high oxidant levels such as fava beans, and from smoking, a severe oxidative stress. Upon eating fava beans or even inhaling fava pollen, they can develop potentially fatal hemolytic anemia, called "favism." Those afflicted develop jaundice and excrete blood in their urine. Nearly 10 percent of those with such symptoms die.
Scientists have pinned the problem to various genetic variations, several of which are common among southern Europeans, that appear to have come about to help the body fight off malaria infection, but which also make people react severely to oxidants such as those in fava beans.
The genetic mutations reduce the activity of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase (G6PD), which is involved in regenerating glutathione, an antioxidant.
"The mutations lower glutathione levels so that we can survive but the malarial parasite cannot survive," Ames said. "So it makes us more resistant to malaria, but at the price of being on the borderline of antioxidant defenses."
A meal of fava beans dumps the powerful oxidants vicine and divicine into the body, overwhelming the antioxidants in the blood and producing anemia.
In searching the scientific literature, Ames and Elson-Schwab found that one common mutation in the enzyme affects the site where it binds with NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), a cofactor made from niacin, or vitamin B-3. Those with favism may be able to supplement their diet with niacin to avoid oxidative stress and hemolytic anemia that can result from fava beans, smoking, and some drugs in areas where malaria has been eliminated.

Megavitamin therapy — Flushed with alcohol

After a cocktail or beer, the body converts the alcohol to acetaldehyde and thence to acetic acid, or vinegar, which is used for energy in the body. Half of all Asians, however, have a genetic mutation that cripples the enzyme — aldehyde dehydrogenase — that converts acetaldehyde to acetic acid. This leads to an accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blood, which is associated with several types of cancers and other illnesses, including late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Acetaldehyde also dilates the blood vessels, leading to flushing.
What Ames and Elson-Schwab discovered in the literature is that the mutation, a change in only one amino acid, occurs in an area of the enzyme that binds to the cofactor NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), resulting in a 150-fold decrease in binding between enzyme and cofactor and a subsequent decrease in the conversion of acetaldehyde to vinegar.
NAD comes from vitamin B-3, niacin, suggesting that high doses of niacin might boost the activity of the enzyme/coenzyme complex and help to prevent the build-up of acetaldehyde resulting from alcohol consumption among Asians, Ames said.
—By Robert Sanders, Media Relations
Megavitamins may be useful treatment for many genetic diseases, or just good way to tune up body's metabolism

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Health= Good Diet, Exercise Keep Brain Healthy

A balanced diet and regular exercise can protect the brain and ward off mental disorders, a new review of research states.

"Food is like a pharmaceutical compound that affects the brain," said Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and physiological science, who has spent years studying the effects of food, exercise and sleep on the brain. His round-up of the scientific truth behind the brain-food connection confirms a lot of what has been suggested before.

"Diet, exercise and sleep have the potential to alter our brain health and mental function," he said. "This raises the exciting possibility that changes in diet are a viable strategy for enhancing cognitive abilities, protecting the brain from damage, and counteracting the effects of aging."

Gómez-Pinilla analyzed more than 160 studies about food’s affect on the brain, an analysis published in the July issue of the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

Omega-3s and mental health

Omega-3 fatty acids — found in salmon, walnuts and kiwi fruit — provide many benefits, including improving learning and memory and helping to fight against such mental disorders as depression and mood disorders, schizophrenia, and dementia, said Gómez-Pinilla, a member of UCLA’s Brain Research Institute and the Brain Injury Research Center.

Synapses in the brain connect neurons, and provide critical functions; much learning and memory occur at synapses, Gómez-Pinilla said.

"Omega-3 fatty acids support synaptic plasticity and seem to positively affect the expression of several molecules related to learning and memory that are found on synapses," Gómez-Pinilla said. "Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for normal brain function."

"Dietary deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in humans has been associated with increased risk of several mental disorders, including attention-deficit disorder, dyslexia, dementia, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia," Gómez-Pinilla said. "A deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in rodents results in impaired learning and memory."

Children and omega-3s

Children who had increased amounts of omega-3 fatty acids performed better in school, in reading, spelling, and behavior, he said.

Improvement in school performance was observed in a group of students receiving omega-3 fatty acids, according to preliminary results from a study in England. In another study, 396 children in Australia, ages 6 to 12, who were given a drink with omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients (iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, B12 and C) showed higher scores on tests that measured verbal intelligence and learning and memory after six months and one year than a control group of students who did not receive the nutritional drink. This study was also conducted with 394 children in Indonesia. The results showed higher test scores in both boys and girls in Australia, but in only girls in Indonesia.

Getting omega-3 fatty acids from food rather than from capsule supplements can be more beneficial, providing additional nutrients, Gómez-Pinilla said.

Scientists are learning which components of omega-3 fatty acids seem to be especially important. One is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is abundant in salmon. DHA, which reduces oxidative stress and enhances synaptic plasticity and learning and memory, is the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in cell membranes in the brain.

Calorie restriction

Controlled meal skipping or intermittent caloric restriction might provide health benefits, he said.

Excess calories can reduce the flexibility of synapses and increase the vulnerability of cells to damage by causing the formation of free-radicals. Moderate caloric restriction could protect the brain by reducing oxidative damage to cellular proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, Gómez-Pinilla said.

The brain is highly susceptible to oxidative damage. Blueberries have been shown to have strong antioxidant capacity, he noted. And smaller food portions with the appropriate nutrients seem to be beneficial for the brain’s molecules, he said.

Junk food, junk brain

In contrast to the healthy effects of diets that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, diets with high contents of trans fats and saturated fats adversely affect cognition, studies indicate.

"Junk food" and fast food negatively affect the brain’s synapses, said Gómez-Pinilla, who eats fast food less often since conducting this research.

Brain synapses and several molecules related to learning and memory are adversely affected by unhealthy diets, said Gómez-Pinilla.

Emerging research indicates that when the effects of diet on the brain are combined with the effects from exercise and a good night’s sleep, you can strengthen the brain’s synapses and provide other cognitive benefits, he added.

He noted that while some people have extremely good genes, most of us are not so lucky, and need a balanced diet, regular exercise and a good night’s sleep.

The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Monday, September 1, 2008

♥♥♥ good morning blogger's ♥♥♥

hello its me again, its 10 am here now phillipines time & i wake up around 9am coz i sleep last night around 2am i think..well i sleep good naman but i have lots of dream last night ..some of there wierd..coz i see some actor and i climb a tree a big big tree i felt like a monkey haha..well i knew how to climb a tree when i am a 8 years old my hobies is climb a tree and i get some fruits like guava and star apple and even coconut tree i try to climb it..thats why i have lots of scar on my legs now..coz i get that from climbing a tree..but now in the age of 19 years old i cant climb a tree na..coz im afraid i just stay at my room and surfing the net or sometimes i go visit some of my friends or go mall and window shopping..hmmm but you know what sometimes i feel so bored and i want to look for a job.. so i can fucoz my self at work na lang..and explore my self in hard work..
soon i will just searching for it..well wish me luck..this morning i awake, go cr and wash my face,toothbrush my teeth ..hehehe then i open the pc to type some letter here on blog..and after that ill go ketchen then i cook some noodles ,then ill make a plans for today..okay i tell you later what i do this day okies..see yahh..


i love this candle..its senamon candle flavor..i take picture's of this while im holding it at the same time..coz that time no electric..its block out..hehe:P ..okay later again..

♥ good night blogger's ♥

night night blogger's '' i really need to sleep now..heheeh coz im really tired and feel dizzy ..ohh no i dont have energy now to type coz sleepy..ill take a rest for a while guys..bye for now..later again.. take care all safe..

♥♥ chatting to sister ♥♥

its already 12:30 am here now phillipines time..and im not sleeping until chatting to sister & fix my profile here at blog..while ill fix it i chat to sis.. she's in USA for almost a 1 year & 7 month's.. we all miss her specially my mom and dad..she love chatting and telling her dream to me..
and correction her dream not so ordinary coz she dream so wierd..thats why sometimes im afraid to her dream..and some was great coz she see god & angel in her dream ..mostly coz she's a good girl..she have a golden heart to everyone..ohh my sis have lots of message me just little coz imn busy typing here on blog while we chatting sis..okay change the topic now..i have headache now coz its already time its turning 1 am now..but i keep typing here..okay ill leave you for now..we see you again later..thanks for reading my blog guys..oomgg my migrane attack me..ohh no.. need to rest now..

time to sleep..hehe

well its time to sleep now its already 11:22pm here phillipines time..but i cant sleep coz im still surfing here and listen to my favorite song ''im yours'' by jason mraz, im finish transfer song to my mp3 so many song i put in there & all of that was my favorite song list some tagalog ,and some english., well what else can i say ? heheh.. mmmm? you know what im hungry and i wanted to go ketchen & ate my favorite kalamay in tagalog..its yummy my sis in law buy me this afternoon and now im thinking if im going to eat it na? maybe yes coz im hungry..wait il go ketchen i eat back later..come over and join me here..lets eat..yumyum..BRB hehehe...

its my 1st letter in blog

hi to all the blogger's..its my 1st time to make a friend rosa always asking me to create an account here..maybe more than 2 week she tried to say it..and at last i decided to make an account not really good in english i just know some little words ..but ill try my best to be good and be patience in doing for now im here at the net transperring some song list from computer to my mp3 ,chatting also to rosa who inspire me to made me blog and wrote down in blog now..hehehe i think ill will enjoy this one and it will be my personal diary for now in my everyday life..but ill want to say that im not so good ill just wrote here what i feel and what on my mind..and moody sometimes..hehe but im nice..coz til here..hope you understand my blog..haha
and you enjoy reading it..later again..