Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"Premarital sex is an issue young people have to face. Here I answer a teen's question on the Bible's position on premarital sex. There is clear guidance in God's word on sex."

Sex advice
Sex is an important part of life. It's no wonder then sex attracts so much interest and gives rise to so many questions. The following question came in to me by email,
"I would like to know where I can find the verse in the Bible that says premarital sex is a sin."
I had to confess I was not going to be able to answer this question in one verse. In my reply I wrote back,
"A single verse wouldn't provide you with the full answer you need to your question about premarital sex but something like a walk with the Holy Spirit in God's word will."
The following is the rest of my reply.
The word on sex
Let me correct a little misunderstanding about the Bible first. The Bible in the New Testament does not provide Christians with a list of laws that whenever you break them it means you sin.

The New Testament provides us with the Word of God's grace. This is in contrast to the Old Testament's books of Moses that provide us with the Word of His law. John announces in his Gospel,
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
John 1:17 - NKJV
The Word of God's grace - like grace itself - trains you. The Word of His law sets a confined area for you to reside in. It says, "Thus far and no further. Don't cross this line or you'll get it!" The Word of His grace says, "Go this way, it's better by far leading to a blessing! Watch out for that way, it only holds trouble for you!"
As Christians, we are no longer under law but under grace. Rom.6:14. We are under grace and the Holy Spirit by Paul commends us to the Word of God's grace. Grace has been given us in Christ Jesus to bring about in us right living. Grace trains us in life for life!
Paul wrote to Titus,
For the grace of God has broken into history for the salvation of all men. It is training us to renounce the life in which God is banished from the scene, and in which the world's desires hold sway, and in this age to live a well-ordered, upright and godly life, while all the time we are waiting for our blessed hope to be realized.
Titus 2:11-13 - Barclay's Translation.