Saturday, September 13, 2008

♥ busy here at the house ♥

hi there blogger's are you doing guys? well as of now we all busy here at the
house..specially mom and dad..keep doing around the house coz my aunt here came from australlia..there miss each other so much coz my aunt stayed australlia for almost 20 years or more..but now she decide to visit here and vacation for 5 weeks and then she will go back there after 5 weeks..she's nice and good woman..she's frank woman..well she keep saying and saying..
but she's sweet to us ..and verry kind..i just dont like when she cry coz im sad..coz she keep thinking her past about what did she encounter here at the phills ..when she's in the province..and more..

for now im here at my room and typing here at my blog,sorry sometimes if im not everyday post something write..coz im been busy..and if im not have a free time im so tired thats why i just take a nap for a while ..and then keep doing something here at the house..sometimes were going outside to visit some of our relatives..then go to market..mall..then bingo..ehehe,,
its lunch time here now..and mom and i finish cook for lunch..and i guess im need to go ketchen to prefer the they eat for lunch ..okay blogger's i have to go..let just talk and type here again soon..take care all blogger's..have a good day..bye for now..see yah soon!!