Monday, September 1, 2008

♥♥♥ good morning blogger's ♥♥♥

hello its me again, its 10 am here now phillipines time & i wake up around 9am coz i sleep last night around 2am i think..well i sleep good naman but i have lots of dream last night ..some of there wierd..coz i see some actor and i climb a tree a big big tree i felt like a monkey haha..well i knew how to climb a tree when i am a 8 years old my hobies is climb a tree and i get some fruits like guava and star apple and even coconut tree i try to climb it..thats why i have lots of scar on my legs now..coz i get that from climbing a tree..but now in the age of 19 years old i cant climb a tree na..coz im afraid i just stay at my room and surfing the net or sometimes i go visit some of my friends or go mall and window shopping..hmmm but you know what sometimes i feel so bored and i want to look for a job.. so i can fucoz my self at work na lang..and explore my self in hard work..
soon i will just searching for it..well wish me luck..this morning i awake, go cr and wash my face,toothbrush my teeth ..hehehe then i open the pc to type some letter here on blog..and after that ill go ketchen then i cook some noodles ,then ill make a plans for today..okay i tell you later what i do this day okies..see yahh..


i love this candle..its senamon candle flavor..i take picture's of this while im holding it at the same time..coz that time no electric..its block out..hehe:P ..okay later again..

♥ good night blogger's ♥

night night blogger's '' i really need to sleep now..heheeh coz im really tired and feel dizzy ..ohh no i dont have energy now to type coz sleepy..ill take a rest for a while guys..bye for now..later again.. take care all safe..

♥♥ chatting to sister ♥♥

its already 12:30 am here now phillipines time..and im not sleeping until chatting to sister & fix my profile here at blog..while ill fix it i chat to sis.. she's in USA for almost a 1 year & 7 month's.. we all miss her specially my mom and dad..she love chatting and telling her dream to me..
and correction her dream not so ordinary coz she dream so wierd..thats why sometimes im afraid to her dream..and some was great coz she see god & angel in her dream ..mostly coz she's a good girl..she have a golden heart to everyone..ohh my sis have lots of message me just little coz imn busy typing here on blog while we chatting sis..okay change the topic now..i have headache now coz its already time its turning 1 am now..but i keep typing here..okay ill leave you for now..we see you again later..thanks for reading my blog guys..oomgg my migrane attack me..ohh no.. need to rest now..

time to sleep..hehe

well its time to sleep now its already 11:22pm here phillipines time..but i cant sleep coz im still surfing here and listen to my favorite song ''im yours'' by jason mraz, im finish transfer song to my mp3 so many song i put in there & all of that was my favorite song list some tagalog ,and some english., well what else can i say ? heheh.. mmmm? you know what im hungry and i wanted to go ketchen & ate my favorite kalamay in tagalog..its yummy my sis in law buy me this afternoon and now im thinking if im going to eat it na? maybe yes coz im hungry..wait il go ketchen i eat back later..come over and join me here..lets eat..yumyum..BRB hehehe...

its my 1st letter in blog

hi to all the blogger's..its my 1st time to make a friend rosa always asking me to create an account here..maybe more than 2 week she tried to say it..and at last i decided to make an account not really good in english i just know some little words ..but ill try my best to be good and be patience in doing for now im here at the net transperring some song list from computer to my mp3 ,chatting also to rosa who inspire me to made me blog and wrote down in blog now..hehehe i think ill will enjoy this one and it will be my personal diary for now in my everyday life..but ill want to say that im not so good ill just wrote here what i feel and what on my mind..and moody sometimes..hehe but im nice..coz til here..hope you understand my blog..haha
and you enjoy reading it..later again..