Monday, October 20, 2008

hi blogger's

hi to all the blogger's out there,its been so long days that i didnt post here..coz i been busy studying and doing some things,well now im here and i can post what i want to say and what happen to me those fast few days,im busy trying to find nice job and studying ,its 7pm here now phillipine time and im just go here in the cafe just to drop by i been in market with my close friend and we eat in the park & street food,walking ,talking and buy some slipper's..ehehe coz my slipper is already broken and i need to have a new one so i can have something to use,sorry if some of my english is you dont really understand but im trying my best to type and post the good and nice word here..i want to tell many more about me here and whats new with me..but i dont have time for now and i need to leave soon..wish you love what i post and you enjoy reading it..well see you next time guys..take good care to all your self there blogger's ..wish you all the best and im verry proud to be one of the blogger's..mwuaaahhh....